.NET Framework 1.1 - Lista com Correção de Bugs

A Microsoft também erra. É como erra !!!. Depois desta revelação você pode dormir mais tranqüilo sabendo que nem todos os bugs daquele seu sistema são exclusivamente culpa sua.

A dica é ficar atento as correções para não ficar quebrando a cabeça á toa tentando resolver um problema que somente será corrigido por um service pack ou uma nova versão da ferramenta.

O Service Pack 1 do Microsoft .Net (SP1) (867460) apresenta a relação de erros já corrigidos pela Microsoft no .Net Framework 1.1. (VS 2003) - revisado em 5 de junho de 2006.

Abaixo transcrevo alguns dos bugs corrigidos; foram retirados (copiar/colar) do site: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/867460/en-us

For more information about the .NET Framework Service Pack 1, click the following article numbers to view the articles in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

885055 How to obtain Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Service Pack 1

318785 Determine whether service packs are installed on the .NET Framework

899619 Installation of .NET Framework service packs is not completed if you first install security update MS05-004

NET Framework 1.1 Service Pack 1

818776 FIX: The layout of a control on an inherited Windows Form may change when you use the .NET Framework 1.1

824210 FIX: You receive a "Fatal execution engine error" error message in Windows Server 2003

824297 FIX: Variants of type VT_NULL are not mapped successfully to common language runtime reference types in the Microsoft .NET Framework

837522 FIX: You may receive an "E_INVALIDARG" error message when you try to create an instance of a .NET serviced component

836989 FIX: A user receives a "security exception" error message while running user code that is based on the .NET Framework 1.1 in a partial trust environment

835405 FIX: The DataGrid control reports an incorrect row count when a modified column is hidden by scrolling when you are using the .NET Framework 1.1

835847 FIX: Your Windows Forms user control does not print and does not appear in Print Preview in Internet Explorer

829986 FIX: COM to COM+ marshaling does not handle enregistered arguments correctly

828884 FIX: A .NET Framework application that contains an MSChart object runs slowly if the application was built in Visual Studio .NET 2003

828295 FIX: Error message "Security exception: PermissionToken index does not match index into m_unrestrictedPermSet"

825680 FIX: Out of memory exception errors may occur when significant amounts of physical memory are still available

823473 Visual Basic .NET application that uses a ReDim statement may quit unexpectedly

823445 FIX: Client activated object clients that are linked by using Soapsuds.exe may fail with a deserialization exception error

823201 FIX: Your COM+ application may run slowly when you create an object by using the SynchronizationAttribute attribute

818982 FIX: "COMException - Type Mismatch" error message when you pass a VARIANT parameter from managed code

817703 Combined installation package for the .NET Framework 1.1 - Hotfixes 818981, 818982, and 822878

813340 FIX: You receive a "System.NullReferenceException: object reference not set to an instance of an object" error message when you implement JIT optimization by using a float

Para ver a lista completa acesse o site indicado e atualize o seu sistema com o service pack.

Até o próximo aviso...

José Carlos Macoratti
